Water Margin

美 [ˈwɔːtər ˈmɑːrdʒɪn]英 [ˈwɔːtə(r) ˈmɑːdʒɪn]
  • 网络水浒传;水浒;梁山泊
Water MarginWater Margin
  1. Analysis on the Evil Human Nature of Heroes in Water Margin


  2. Attitudes to Feminie Revealed by Water Margin and Chinese Traditional Culture


  3. There are two traditional research methods about the time of completion of the Water Margin ;


  4. These characteristics are quite obvious in Water Margin .


  5. The Water Margin : A Mirror of Building Harmonious Society


  6. The history and status quo of handing down The Water Margin


  7. He was very familiar with the Water Margin story .


  8. Then ," Water Margin " and tells the story of what ?


  9. The description about personal action in Water Margin had bright artistic characters .


  10. On Aesthetic Effect of Roughness in Water Margin


  11. The Analysis of the Phenomenon of Female Adultery in the Water Margin


  12. On " The Water Margin " on the Legal Case of the Inheritance and Development of Novel


  13. Significance of " Social Customs " and " Spiritual Image " Reflected in The Water Margin


  14. Interpreting the Features of Female Characters in Water Margin : From a Perspective of Narrative Construction


  15. The legend of water Margin is ever popular since Song and Yuan dynasties .


  16. Two questions about Jin shentan ′ s criticism on Water Margin


  17. Therefore , the " Water Margin ", many characters and complex plot , has a different history and background .


  18. That is to say ," the Water Margin " is about social justice and evil struggle .


  19. The necessity and feasibility of constructing big Water Margin cultural system can be proved from the above three aspects .


  20. A Comparison Study on Heroes ' Sexual View of The Water Margin and Death of King Arthur


  21. On Folk Legend of Water Margin


  22. Nicknames in Water Margin : A Reflection of Hangzhou Dialect and Hangzhou Custom


  23. Go to the Sea : The Aesthetic Examination of the Literary Narration for the Stories in Water Margin


  24. The Mystic Belief in Water Margin and Its Buddhism and Taoism Origins


  25. Song jiang is a core person of Water Margin , his tragedy is the greatest representative .


  26. ZHANG Ji SHAN " and " Water Margin " as is " meaning thief class novel .


  27. The Deep Implication of Water Margin Viewing from the Image of LU Zhi-shen


  28. Thus the hero of the Water Margin " injustice " as the study have yet to be studied further .


  29. Anti-women Criticism & Again on the Views of Women in the Water Margin


  30. This article will further excavates the value of liquor in the Water Margin from these two aspects more carefully .
